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Celebrating National Pet Day

Celebrating National Pet Day

April 11 is National Pet Day!  Most days we celebrate the lives of our own pets.  This National Pet Day would be a great opportunity to help pets in need.  It is a chance to do something good that will put a smile on your face. Fur Services Fur Pets would like to help...

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How To Protect Your Pet From Poison

Pets are like children.  They dive into things and ask questions later...if there is time...which is never.  This need to investigate can get our curious companions into a lot of trouble. March 18th marks the beginning of National Animal Poison Prevention Week.  As...

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Happy K-9 Veteran’s Day

Happy K-9 Veteran’s Day

Dogs play an important role in the lives of everyone lucky enough to have one.  For some people, a loyal dog is the difference between life and death. Canines play many valuable roles in the United States Military and have for some time.  Officially dogs...

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What to Do If Your Pet Goes Missing

What to Do If Your Pet Goes Missing

The other night my Golden Retriever Ivy slipped out the back gate.  Luckily, she will do just about anything for a treat.  It didn’t take long to get her back in the house.  We weren’t so lucky with my cat, Alex, a few years ago.  Having a pet go missing is a...

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How Do I Book a Reservation?

We require all reservations to be booked through our client portal software. You can access the booking engine either through the Time to Pet app on your mobile device or using our client We've created an...

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Choosing a Professional Pet Sitter/Dog Walker

Choosing a Professional Pet Sitter/Dog Walker

Fur Services Fur Pets takes caring for your fur babies seriously. We strive to bring the utmost professionalism to every facet of our service. Choosing a non-professional pet-sitter can be risky. They can lack professional training and may not have the support staff...

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Pet Safety Tips for Halloween

Pet Safety Tips for Halloween

Halloween is an exciting time for us humans.  We get to step away from our daily routines and become kids again for one night.  Halloween night we get to indulge ourselves and leave all our cares at the bottom of the barrel we bob for apples from.  Costumes and candy...

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